Magliano Vetere

Located in the heart of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, between the Calore valley and the Alento valley, the municipality consists of three villages, Magliano Vetere, Magliano Nuovo and Capizzo. The territory of Magliano Vetere was already inhabited in the VI century. B.C. from the Romans, who controlled commercial traffic from here through the pass of the Preta Perciata. The toponym dates back to the Roman period, and can be traced back to "Manlius", a noble name, to which was later added "vetera", meaning "old city". With the fall of the Roman Empire came the barbarians who built a castle to counter the Emperor Justinian. In the IX century Magliano Vetere was elevated to a county by Siconolfo, the Lombard prince of Salerno; while the Normans chose it as a fiefdom to the Sanseverinos who, in the 15th century, sold it to the Carafa family: the last lord was Nicola Pasca, who lost the fief in 1806. In the XVII century. the town was set on fire because its inhabitants were accused of sheltering a brigand. The survivors moved to the area where the castle stood and gave birth to Magliano Nuovo. Magliano Vetere was a center of a certain importance thanks to the happy geographical position, in fact being located between the Calore valley and the Alento valley, it controlled the commercial traffic between the interior and the coast and, by virtue of this, obtained the right to toll.
Currently the area around Magliano Vetere is appreciated for the goodness of its products.
Of note the production of olive oil; of pancetta longa and longarella, prepared with pork and flavored with pepper, parsley and fennel, and which is not rolled, but left to spread; the cultivation of wine grapes, with which the "Castel San Lorenzo" DOC wines are produced; the cultivation of chestnuts is ancient, in fact it is known, in a document dated 1183-85, that it was already practiced in the 11th century.

Located in the heart of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, between the Calore valley and the Alento valley, the municipality consists of three villages, Magliano Vetere, Magliano Nuovo and Capizzo. The territory of Magliano Vetere was already inhabited in the VI century. B.C. from the Romans, who controlled commercial traffic from here through the pass of the Preta Perciata. The toponym dates back to the Roman period, and can be traced back to "Manlius", a noble name, to which was later added "vetera", meaning "old city". With the fall of the Roman Empire came the barbarians who built a castle to counter the Emperor Justinian. In the IX century Magliano Vetere was elevated to a county by Siconolfo, the Lombard prince of Salerno; while the Normans chose it as a fiefdom to the Sanseverinos who, in the 15th century, sold it to the Carafa family: the last lord was Nicola Pasca, who lost the fief in 1806. In the XVII century. the town was set on fire because its inhabitants were accused of sheltering a brigand. The survivors moved to the area where the castle stood and gave birth to Magliano Nuovo. Magliano Vetere was a center of a certain importance thanks to the happy geographical position, in fact being located between the Calore valley and the Alento valley, it controlled the commercial traffic between the interior and the coast and, by virtue of this, obtained the right to toll.
Currently the area around Magliano Vetere is appreciated for the goodness of its products.
Of note the production of olive oil; of pancetta longa and longarella, prepared with pork and flavored with pepper, parsley and fennel, and which is not rolled, but left to spread; the cultivation of wine grapes, with which the "Castel San Lorenzo" DOC wines are produced; the cultivation of chestnuts is ancient, in fact it is known, in a document dated 1183-85, that it was already practiced in the 11th century.

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